Hi everyone! As you can see I'm back after months of absence. I don't even have a great excuse to explain why I haven't made any blog entries for such a long time. I've just been busy...extremely busy. Too much to do in too little time has been my motto lately.
However, I did find time to read up on your blogs. What a source of inspiration it gave me, my joy in the miniature world is back!
Where is the balsa wood, paper and tacky glue? Let's start with dusting my tools and workspace...I want to MAKE something tiny!
A sincere 'thank you' to all of you!
Lapin arkeologia - Elämän jälkiä kivikaudelta uudelle ajalle
1 week geleden
Welcome back Peggy
BeantwoordenVerwijderenwelcome back to the blogsphere and miniature's word!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHappy to have you back.
Hello again! Wonder, which tiny thing you are up to do!?
Welkom terug;-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWelcome back :) you are one of my first followers so you are partly to blame for me still being here :-D Hugs Maria
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWelcome back, Peggy
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHey lieve Peggy, wat fijn om weer een berichtje van jou te zien!! ik hoop dat je weer snel terug bent in miniland en als je het leuk vindt staat mijn mailbox altijd voor je open. Veel liefs, Charissa